
Showing posts from December, 2015

Have a very Defiant Christmas

Third Sunday of Advent C, 2015 Get to wear my favorite color only twice a year.  This is Gaudete Sunday, we are to rejoice and be glad.  Happy happy.  But, how can we rejoice and be glad amid so much terror and violence?  There is a decided edge to our celebration of Advent and Christmas this year.  Well, let’s see if there isn’t a way through all that we are experiencing.  I would like to wish you a very DEFIANT Christmas. Our defiance is not born of fear, hatred, jealously or anger but is born out of the Love and compassion that brought about Emmanuel, God with us, the Incarnation God in the flesh of Jesus Christ.  We need to do more than just feeling holy one day of the week, or for a few minutes we spend saying our daily prayers.  It isn’t enough just to feel holy here, we must be holy out there all of the time, 24/7.  We need to be rooted in a spirituality that prevents us from being tossed about by the ill winds that are blowing through our society and around the world.